Medicine. Reinvented.
Remy Biosciences deploys a powerful science and technology platform to safely and effectively deliver drugs into the human bloodstream.
Remy’s delivery systems avoid hepatic first-pass through highly effective, controlled dosing that directly enters the bloodstream, not the stomach, liver, or lungs.
We are unapologetically committed to the relentless pursuit of medical innovation. We want to create the best products for our patients because the world deserves to be healthy.
Transdermal patches have been around for a long time, but we believe that it is time to bring them into the 21st century. We call upon decades of experience with active pharmaceutical ingredients, medical adhesives, and enhancers to develop our biodermals.
Our biodermals delivers between 5-40 times the
amount of active ingredient through the skin
when compared to competitors.
Our tablets are the result of years of research and development. They are the most effective, best-tasting sublinguals on the market. We utilize proprietary blends of actives, enhancers, and quick-melt technologies to create a product that will provide relief faster than any oral pill can.
The combination of sublingual and biodermal provides an immediate effect that can last for up to 48 hours or more. Sublingual delivery is perfect for applications like sleep or energy where the rapid-onset is a must.
Remy Biosciences employs a world-class team of scientists, researchers, and doctors to find the formulations most effective for our patients. Our in-house formulation capabilities are second to none, and our team is capable of moving quickly and effectively to adapt to changing medicine.
Whether the need is pain and inflammation, mental health, sleep regulation, general wellness, or any other of a myriad of use cases, Remy knows how to develop an effective product to bring sustained relief or treatment.